Friday, 8 April 2011

Duke Nukem and Male Fantasies...

Ahh, the fabled Duke Nukem, finally rising majestically from the ashes of video game history like a steroid abusing phoenix. I wasn’t going to make another post this speedily after the previous one but a trailer for Duke Nukem just came out and the blog fodder was just too good. And unsurprisingly this trailer contains lesbians, tight tops and boobies. And the odd strip club, obviously. It has a rather aptly named multiplayer experience; “Capture the babe” involving abducting women and slapping them on the arse when they get a little mouthy.

Oh Gearbox Studio, I see your experience of women must be fairly limited…

I'm afraid I'm just past the point of
being able to take lesbians in
school uniforms seriously.

But no really, call me a shame to my sex but I find this funny. It’s so obvious that this whole game is just a puerile boob fest that doesn’t take itself or anything else seriously. Its sexist views are so wildly over the top that it serves more to mock anyone who would be like that. I mean look at it! It’s all hot women in tight shirts with huge boobs and loose morals, along with a man who looks like a huge bundle of protein shake abuse and unresolved mummy issues. It’s a parody of being male and all the hyperbolic male behaviours. You can’t really be angry at this game; it’s too stupid to be angry at. It’s like yelling at a puppy.

I very much doubt that anyone on the developing team of Duke Nukem Forever hates women. On the contrary, many of them probably have wives and girlfriends (Haha, I know, who am I kidding?!) who they love and respect, so there’s no way to claim this as a purely sexist ideological apparatus. It’s just for laughs. And let’s face it, any guy who did act like this towards woman would most likely be immediately lynched and/or never actually pass on his genetic material because no woman in possession of a functioning brain would let him anywhere near her.   

I think the only thing we can be assured of is that the developers haven’t got the greatest grasp of what makes the fairer sex tick but they certainly know what gets a pubescent boy going and I’m going to take a wild stab in the dark here and suggest that their targeted demographic is just that….


  1. Hi Minnie.

    I think you nailed the demographic right on the head which probably means they will make some money. Good marketing focus but doesn't say to much for the target audience!!

  2. Hey Roger! They'll definitely make some money; its legendary status assured that, but now they're just reeling them in with the promise of boobies. No, sadly doesn't say much for the target audience but apparently, they grow out of it!


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